Easy to use, we have placed QR at various spots for the customers to directly place an order. We are happy using Planet QR. We are also getting latest tools from Planet QR to scale up our business.

1. You can see a demo restaurant QR Code.
2. Use the phone camera or Google Lens to scan the QR Code.
3. Scroll around and checkout the menu.
4. Place your order and choose payment option.
5. Your order is instantly received by restaurant.
6. Click on My Orders to see the current status of order
Easy to use, we have placed QR at various spots for the customers to directly place an order. We are happy using Planet QR. We are also getting latest tools from Planet QR to scale up our business.
We use PlanetQR menus for all our branches in Florida. Must have for restaurants. The most like feature is no requirement of app installation for customers.
The setup was quick. An easy to use platform. It helped our staff in the serving better. Our customers have a very good experience, specially foreign tourists.
Planet QR is a simple and cost effective platform. QR scanning is fast and accurate. It has resulted in growth in my business. I think no other company provides these services at this price.
It just takes a minute to start